The average house price on WYATT CLOSE is £553,295
The most expensive house in the street is 11 WYATT CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,130,748
The cheapest house in the street is 5 WYATT CLOSE with an estimated value of £201,086
The house which was most recently sold was 7 WYATT CLOSE, this sold on 6 Nov 2023 for £184,000
The postcode for WYATT CLOSE is GU24 9FP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WYATT CLOSE Semi-Detached £477,509 £369,950 9 Jun 2017
2 WYATT CLOSE £615,779 £460,146 19 Sep 2016
3 WYATT CLOSE Semi-Detached £451,694 £349,950 9 Jun 2017
5 WYATT CLOSE Terraced £201,086 £154,000 24 Mar 2017
7 WYATT CLOSE Terraced £184,000 6 Nov 2023
11 WYATT CLOSE £1,130,748 £843,047 2 Aug 2016
15 WYATT CLOSE Semi-Detached £442,959 £440,000 15 Feb 2023